Trial access to the Late Qing Dynasty and Chinese Periodical databases

ELTE has been granted a two-months trial access to the Late Qing Dynasty Full-text Database (1833–1911) and the Chinese Periodical Full-text Database (1911–1949) databases on Shanghai Libray's CNBKSY (Quan Guo Bao Kan Suo Yin) platform.

Late Qing Dynasty Full-text Database covers about 600 titles of Chinese periodicals published in Late Qing Dynasty. Chinese Periodical Full-text Database covers about 25,000 titles of Chinese periodicals published during 1911–1949. Consisting of 12 series, it’s the largest database of the Chinese periodical of this time. In addition to these, the Books of modern China (1840–1949) database is still available until March 1, 2024. (For more information, please visit our previous news on our website.)

Access period: January 30, 2024 – March 30, 2024

The database is accessible from the entire IP range of the University (from home via VPN): CNBKSY.

Leaflets of the databases:



Source/author of illustration:

Expanding our international relations – Our institution has joined Universeum

From 2024, ELTE University Library and Archives will be a member of the Universeum European Academic Heritage Network.

The mission of the University Heritage Coordination Project, led by the ELTE University Library and Archives, which is also responsible for the preservation of a rich cultural heritage, is to map, protect and make visible the cultural heritage preserved by the University to both the academic and the general public, becoming part of a European network by joining Universeum.

Universeum aims to preserve and promote the European cultural heritage and knowledge assets held in the collections of higher education institutions. The European organisation was founded in 2000 with representatives of collections and museums from twelve European universities at the University of Halle-Wittenberg in Germany.

Universeum regularly organises meetings, edits publications and facilitates exchanges between academic heritage institutions across Europe. The organisation is open to heritage and museum professionals, researchers, students, university administrators and all people interested in university heritage, and is committed to the continuous dissemination of knowledge, exchange of expertise and experience, and the promotion of the use of European scientific heritage in research and education. It provides a European forum for the implementation of cooperation projects, encourages the creation of national networks and provides support for the preservation of cultural assets and for networking between European institutions and universities. Annually, it will also organise a conference with in-person participation, in 2024 with ICOM–UMAC, the world association of university collections and museums. Our affiliation will allow us to participate in meetings and build international professional relationships. Our membership currently includes a number of representatives from Eastern Europe, allowing us to contribute effectively to both the European and regional discourse.

Source/author of illustration:

Trial Access to IOP Journals

IOP Publishing offers trial access to members of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) for journals available on the IOPScience platform. The content of the database is freely accessible without restrictions until the 15th of April 2024, while connected to the ELTE internet network either directly or through VPN.

IOPscience extra is the scientific database of IOP Publishing, containing over 90 journals with full-text access, including leading titles in the field of physics. The articles published in these journals cover 40 scientific disciplines beyond physics. Important publications in the fields of medicine, mathematics, earth science, neuroscience, biophysics, chemistry, and engineering can also be found in the database.

Source/author of illustration:

De Gruyter buys Brill and go on as De Gruyter Brill

Walter de Gruyter GmbH making a public offer to buy all the shares of another company, Koninklijke Brill N.V., at a price of EUR 27.50 per share. The offer period starts on the 22nd of December 2023 and ends on 15th of February 2024. There's an important meeting on the 1st of February 2024, where shareholders can discuss and vote on the offer.

The offer price is considered a good deal, offering a premium to Brill's closing price in October 2023. The management boards of both companies support the offer, and major shareholders have already committed to selling their shares. Legal approvals are in place, and the deal is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2024.

The companies are combining forces to strengthen their position in the academic publishing market, especially with the increasing shift to digital and open-access publishing. The new entity, named De Gruyter Brill, aims to become a leading academic publisher in the Humanities, offering a broader range of services.

For 2025 still separate databases will be on the EISZ list.

Source/author of illustration:

Inter-American Development Bank

The publications, databases, and data of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) are accessible on their official website. The IDB is a regional development bank that supports the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean with various development projects and programs. For access to information published by the IDB and specific content, it is recommended to visit their official website, where you can find the latest and most relevant information.

Subscription databases available at the university in 2024

ELTE EISZ subscription

In 2024, ELTE will subscribe to the following databases within the framework of the Electronic Information Service National Program (EISZ):

  1. Akadémiai Kiadó Folyóiratcsomag 
  2. Akadémiai Kiadó Magyar Elektronikus Referenciamű Szolgáltatás (MeRSZ)
  3. Akadémiai Kiadó Szótárszolgáltatás
  4. Brill Foreign Law Guide 
  5. Cambridge University Press (CUP) Journals – Full Collection 
  6. CAS SciFindern
  7. CEEOL
  8. Clarivate – InCites Benchmarking&Analytics 
  9. Clarivate – Journal and Highly Cited Data (JHCD) 
  10. Clarivate – Web of Science Core Collection 
  11. EBSCO – Academic Search Complete
  12. EBSCO – Education Research Complete
  13. EBSCO – SocINDEX with Full Text
  14. Elsevier – ScienceDirect 
  15. Elsevier – Scopus 
  16. Emerald – The Case Journal 
  17. IEEE Electronic Library (IEL)
  18. JSTOR – Full Access Model 
  19. Kossuth Kiadó 
  20. L’Harmattan Digitális Adatbázis 
  21. MathSciNet 
  22. Oxford Handbooks Online (OHO) – Law 
  23. Springer Nature – Springer Journals (SpringerLink) 
  24. SZAKTÁRS – Akadémiai Digitális Archívum 
  25. SZAKTÁRS – Argumentum Kiadó 
  26. SZAKTÁRS – Balassi Kiadó 
  27. SZAKTÁRS – Gondolat Kiadó 
  28. SZAKTÁRS – Napvilág Kiadó 
  29. SZAKTÁRS – Osiris Kiadó 
  30. SZAKTÁRS – Tinta Könyvkiadó – SzakKönyvTár 
  31. Typotex – Interkönyv 
  32. Wiley Online Library Full Collection 
  33. USC SOÁ AlapítványVizuális Történelmi Archívum


Additional subscriptions:

In addition to EISZ, the following databases can be accessed with a separate university subscription until the 31st of December 2024.

1. Arcanum Digital Knowledge Base

We are happy to answer any further questions about databases at

Source/author of illustration:

The popularity of our library books in 2023

Scientific and scholarly works

  • Állam / Platón
  • A tragédia születése / Friedrich Nietzsche
  • A tiszta ész kritikája / Immanuel Kant
  • A tér poétikája / Bachelard Gaston
  • Prótagorasz / Platón
  • Történelem és osztálytudat / Lukács György
  • Elmúlt jövő / Reinhart Koselleck
  • Elmélkedések az első filozófiáról / René Descartes
  • Mi a filozófia? / Gilles Deleuze
  • A lakoma / Platón
  • Angelus novus / Walter Benjamin
  • Ión ; Menexenosz / Platón
  • A sajt és a kukacok / Carlo Ginzburg
  • A kulturális emlékezet / Jan Assmann
  • A pillanat formái / Thomka Beáta
  • Az ismétlés / Peter Handke
  • Bécsi századvég / Carl E. Schorske
  • Fabula és história határán / Máté Ágnes
  • Felügyelet és büntetés / Michel Foucault
  • Hogyan írjunk szakdolgozatot? / Umberto Eco
  • Hunyadi Mátyás, a király – hagyomány és megújulás a királyi udvarban, 1458–1490 : kiállítási katalógus – Budapesti Történeti Múzeum, 2008. március 19. – június 30.
  • Mágikus mozi / Király Jenő





  • Utas és holdvilág / Szerb Antal
  • A Nibelung-ének
  • Mrs. Dalloway / Virginia Woolf
  • Az átváltozás / Franz Kafka
  • 1984 / George Orwell
  • Akárki – misztériumjátékok, mirákulumok, moralitások
  • Az ajtó / Szabó Magda
  • Egyszerű történet vessző száz oldal – a Márk változat / Esterházy Péter
  • Swann (Az eltűnt idő nyomában) / Marcel Proust
  • A Karamazov testvérek / Fjodor Mihajlovics Dosztojevszkij
  • Bűn és bűnhődés / Fjodor Mihajlovics Dosztojevszkij
  • Isteni színjáték / Dante Alighieri
  • A pestis / Albert Camus
  • Az őz / Szabó Magda
  • Egy orosz utazó levelei / Nyikolaj Mihajlovics Karamzin
  • Ha egy téli éjszakán egy utazó / Italo Calvino
  • Kitelepítés / Visky András
  • Sinistra körzet / Bodor Ádám
  • Úton / Jack Kerouac
Source/author of illustration:

Unitec Research Bank

Welcome to Research Bank, our open research repository that includes research produced by students and staff while affiliated with Unitec, Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT), Otago Polytechnic, Toi Ohomai and Southern Institute of Technology (SIT). These institutes are part of Te Pūkenga. It is intended to facilitate scholarly communication and shared access to our research outputs.

ScholarWorks @ UVM

ScholarWorks is the Institutional Repository (IR) for the University of Vermont. The repository brings together the University's research under one umbrella, with an aim to preserve and provide open access to that research.