In the framework of our book adoption programme, our conservator and reference librarian gave our adopters a detailed presentation of the supported volumes.
Dávid Archibald Karácsony PhD and Brigitta Schvéd adopted Andreas Eudaemon-Joannes' Apologia pro Henrico Garneto Angelo (1610). The Greek Jesuit Andreas Eudaemon-Joannes (1560?–1625) published his Apologia in 1610, in which he defended the Jesuit Henry Garnet (1555–1606). Garnet was condemned in 1606 by the Privy Council, which counted among its members Sir Edward Coke (mentioned in the title). The reason: Garnet knew about the existence of Robert Catesby’s Gunpowder Plot (1605) but did not notify the king about it. This simple but historically important book was in the library of the Jesuit College of Trnava already in 1619. It has a rather ragged parchment binding, the front cover started to get loose. Thanks to the support of our book patrons, the volume will be restored and made available in a renewed form for future generations.
Kristóf Dallman has adopted the book Meteorologia philosophico-politica by Gábor Szerdahelyi (1660–1726), a Jesuit doctor of philosophy and theology, illustrated with natural and weather emblems. The volume contains moral, philosophical and political commentaries. The work consisting of 12 sections (dissertatio) and containing 2+82 copperplate engravings was published by Johannes Andreas in Nagyszombat (Trnava) under the title Meteorologia philosophico-politica. The engravers included Wolfgang Joseph Kadorizi, Andreas Trost, and Andreas Matthäus Wolfgang. The question (questio) and the answer (conclusio) to it are always connected to the image with the motto. Among the Meteorologia’s sources we find ancient authors, modern natural historians and philosophers alike, as well as the wide range of natural phenomena, ranging from lightning to earthquake.
For detailed information about our book adoption programme, please visit our website. Adopt a book yourself! Our list of books for adoption is available here.
Our adopted books:
Bar. 01603 Andreas Eudaemon-Joannes: R. P. Andreae Eudaemon-Ioannis Cydonii e Societate Iesu, ad actionem proditoriam Edouardi Coqui, Apologia pro R. P. Henrico Garneto Anglo, eiusdem Societatis sacerdote Coloniae Agrippinae [Köln]: apud Ioannem Kinckium, anno MDCX [1610]
![Bar. 01603 Andreas Eudaemon-Joannes: R. P. Andreae Eudaemon-Ioannis Cydonii e Societate Iesu, ad actionem proditoriam Edouardi Coqui, Apologia pro R. P. Henrico Garneto Anglo, eiusdem Societatis sacerdote Coloniae Agrippinae [Köln]: apud Ioannem Kinckium, anno MDCX [1610]](/sites/default/files/inline-images/Bar_01603_01_1000.jpg)
RMK II 507a
Meteorologia philosophico-politica, in duodecim dissertationes per quaestiones meteorologicas et conclusiones politicas divisa, appositisque symbolis illustrata, honori inclytae regiae camerae Scepusiensis inscripta a nobili ac erudito domino Joanne Vitézy de Dobó, AA. LL., et philosophiae baccalaureo, ac pro suprema ejusdem auspicijs universam philosophiam publice propugnandam mense Junio MDCII in Alma Archi-Episcopali Universitate Tyrnaviensi susciperet. Praeside R. P. Gabriele Szerdahelyi e Societate Jesu, AA. LL. et Philosophiae doctore, ejusdemque professore ordinario. Tyrnaviae [Trnava] : typis Academicis, per Joannem Andream Hörmann, MDCCII [1702]
[4], 297, [5] p. [2] t.fol. ill., 84 copperplate engraving; 32 cm (2o)
Arc indication: a2 A-Z4 Aa-Pp4
RMK II 2137
![RMK II 507a Meteorologia philosophico-politica, in duodecim dissertationes per quaestiones meteorologicas et conclusiones politicas divisa, appositisque symbolis illustrata, honori inclytae regiae camerae Scepusiensis inscripta a nobili ac erudito domino Joanne Vitézy de Dobó, AA. LL., et philosophiae baccalaureo, ac pro suprema ejusdem auspicijs universam philosophiam publice propugnandam mense Junio MDCII in Alma Archi-Episcopali Universitate Tyrnaviensi susciperet. Praeside R. P. Gabriele Szerdahelyi e Societate Jesu, AA. LL. et Philosophiae doctore, ejusdemque professore ordinario. Tyrnaviae [Trnava] : typis Academicis, per Joannem Andream Hörmann, MDCCII [1702]](/sites/default/files/inline-images/RMK_II_507a_01_1000.jpg)