Due to the relocation of our external warehouse the books and doctoral dissertations stored there, as well as the entire stock of the library's periodicals, will be unavailable until the end of January 2025. Many of our books are still available for loan and current literature can be found on the open shelves.


Microbiology Society is temporarily removing the paywall from its journals’ platform. The extraordinary and global efforts made to curb the spread and impact of SARS-COV-2 mean that many microbiologists will be away from their workplaces and may find online access to resources compromised. Access will be free to all until further notice. Please check the publisher's website.
Microdata consist of sets of records containing information on individual persons, households or business entities. Microdata are used in official statistics for the production of aggregate information (usually tables). Access to confidential microdata is restricted in order to protect the anonymity of individual persons or businesses. How to access Eurostat Microdata: https://konyvtar.elte.hu/en/article/eurostat-microdata-can-be-requested-...
Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union and its mission is to provide high quality statistics and data on Europe. 
American Society for Microbiology have released resources for Covid-19 research.
SPIE journals are dedicated to advancing the science and application of light-based technologies, and committed to broad dissemination of the scientific record.
The package includes access to all current and archival journals published by the publisher with full text, including  medical journals previously organized in a separate database. The full-text database presents the latest findings in a wide range of natural and social sciences, as well as various areas of medicine. The EISZ agreement encompasses the unlimited publication of Open Access articles, provided that the corresponding author is a researcher affiliated with the subscribing institution.
The collection contains scholarly books created in the intellectual workshop of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and published by the Akadémiai Publishing from 1950 to1996 (to a lesser extent after 1996). The the actual title of the Akadémiai Publishing House are available in the ever-expanding MeRSZ (https://mersz.hu) database. The digitization project was implemented in cooperation with the Library and Information Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Akadémiai Publishing House and the Arcanum Database Ltd.
In the multidisciplinary database, full-text access is available to articles from 6300 subscription journals, often including the most recent issues. The platform also provides access to various other sources. The regularly updated database allows searches in fields such as anthropology, biology, law, chemistry, geology, engineering, mathematics, psychology, theology, etc. For a video tutorial on using the database, you can watch here.
Mourning data can help with historical, church history research. In addition, there is an opportunity to marvel at the varied, now forgotten turns of the old Hungarian language.
It is the institutional repository of the Oxford University.