Holy places, holy people – Saints before the East–West Schism

The Eötvös Loránd University Library and Archives has joined the Russian-initiated Holy Places of Undivided Christianity project, which aims to virtually collect memorials and museum documents related to saints and church history before the 1054 East–West schism.

As part of the cooperation, our chamber exhibition Holy Places was opened on the Cultural Heritage Days on the 18th of September 2021, located in our old book storage until the end of the year, on weekdays between 9.00 and 16.00, after prior registration. You can register at the e-mail address titkarsag@lib.elte.hu.

As one of the stations on the international cultural route of the project, we will take part in the presentation of Europe's common cultural roots and values ​​by exhibiting museum documents on the subject. As part of the European cultural route, in addition to guided tours, we also provide book presentations for our guests.

Discover our exhibition! For more information about the project, please, visit our website.

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New leadership in the Hungarian Association of Higher Education Archives

Members of the new presidency: Tamás Vajda president (University of Szeged), Zsolt Osváth vice president (Semmelweis University), Krisztina Batalka (Budapest University of Technology and Economics), László Molnár (Semmelweis University), Éva Sági (University of Sopron), Krisztina Tóth (Eötvös Loránd University) and Vilmos Zsidi (Corvinus University of Budapest). 

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Outstanding success at the Cultural Heritage Day in the ELTE University Library and Archives

The library intended to draw attention to the protection of our cultural values ​​and the preservation of our built heritage with our event organized in the University Library and Archives of Eötvös Loránd University within the framework of this year's Cultural Heritage Days.

As the opening of the programme, the Korossy Quartet consisting of the students of the Festival Academy Budapest gave a concert in the foyer.

Through our building tours, our visitors gained an insight into the history of the library and the halls of its monumental building, got acquainted with the restoration process, our museum collection and the life of Loránd Eötvös, as well as made unique hardcover booklets. During our events, calligrapher Dezső Buzogány gave a presentation in the hall, introducing our guests to the art of pen and beautiful handwriting.

At this year’s Cultural Heritage Days, a ceremonial book adoption also took place on the grounds of the French Ambassador’s, Pascale Andréani’s generous support. The Rector's Representative for Francophone Affairs also took part at the event on behalf of Eötvös Loránd University.

On the occasion of the 700th anniversary of Dante's death, the visitors could attend a lecture on the Dante Codex preserved in the library. After fourteen years of omission, the original codex became available to the public again this year. One of the former restorers of the codex, Ildikó Beöthyné Kozocsa, delivered a speech about her working process together with Györgyi Szlabey, who was also present at the event. The restorer also revealed the secrets of saving the world-famous book. A digital version of the codex is available in the EDIT repository.

In the frame of the event, we opened our exhibition entitled Holy Places, which can be visited in our historic monument store until the end of this year, after registration (titkarsag@lib.elte.hu). The exhibition was organized in collaboration with the Russian-initiated project Holy Places of Undivided Christianity, which aims to collect memorials and museum documents related to pre-schism saints and church history.

We closed our program series with a concert by Duo-Perpetual, who performed a selection of pieces by Bach, Mozart, Piazzola and Shostakovich.

The event was implemented with the support of the Municipality of Budapest, District V, Belváros–Lipótváros, the Foundation for the University Library and the “Thank you, Hungary!” project.

For more information about our next event, please, visit our website. We look forward to seeing you soon in our library!

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Mappae Comitatuum Transylvaniae – Book presentation on Researchers' Night at the ELTE University Library and Archives

As a result of the successful cooperation between the ELTE University Library and Archives and the Cluj-Napoca School Foundation Publishing House, we invite you to the presentation of a prestigious map history publication on the 24th of September, 2021 from 16.00 on the occasion of the Researchers' Night. The presentation of the author, Zsombor Bartos-Elekes, will be followed by a round table discussion with the contributors of the volume (moderator: Sándor Tamás).

The book was published as a result of the successful cooperation between the University Library and Archives of the Eötvös Loránd University and the Cluj-Napoca School Foundation Publishing House. The work, published under the title Mappæ Comitatuum Transylvaniae, is in the 91st volume of the outstanding collection of the Jesuit scholar Gábor Hevenesi, preserved in our library. This volume is the first to publish 18 Transylvanian (and Partium) map sheets, which are much more detailed than the previous cartographs, therefore their source value is extremely significant. The accompanying study on the structure, content and background of the maps is available in three languages ​​(Hungarian, Romanian, English), which is completed by a precisely compiled index. The book also provides an insight into the unique collection of our library.

In addition to the volume, by presenting the original manuscript maps, we also provide an insight into a small slice of our unparalleled museum material preserved in our library. The publication can be purchased during the event. The book presentation will be broadcasted live via Facebook. All visitors are welcome!

You can find more information about our events organized within the framework of the Researchers' Night on the official homepage of the event and on our website!

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IV. Archival Picnic

Between the 24th and 25th of September, 2021, the Archival Picnic will be held for the forth time in the Budapest City Archives. In addition to the various programs, the archives stand will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the work, publications and services of the archives. Among other things, those interested can visit the stand of the Hungarian Association of Higher Education Archives. 

Programs of the event: http://mlp.archivportal.hu/hu/leveltari-piknik-1/iv-leveltari-piknik/ 

Facebook page of the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/203697898481725

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE ULA Archives

Researchers' Night at the Eötvös Loránd University Library and Archives

As part of the Researchers' Night, on the 24th of September, 2021 we will invite science and research enthusiasts to an interactive exhibition called Pendulum Night. A representative publication entitled Mappæ Comitatuum Transylvaniæ by Bartos-Elekes Zsombor will be presented, and Annamária Csókási will give a lecture with the title Cultures torn apart – Cultural damage assessment with military technology in Nagorno Karabakh. All visitors are welcome!


Lectures (Venue: Ballroom)

16.00-18.00 Book presentation and round table discussion in connection with Bartos-Elekes Zsombor's publication Mappæ Comitatuum Transylvaniæ

The book was published as a result of the successful cooperation between the University Library and Archives of the Eötvös Loránd University and the Cluj-Napoca School Foundation Publishing House. The work, published under the title Mappæ Comitatuum Transylvaniae, is in the 91st volume of the outstanding collection of the Jesuit scholar Gábor Hevenesi, preserved in our library. This volume is the first to publish 18 Transylvanian (and Partium) map sheets, which are much more detailed than previous cartographs, so their source value is extremely significant. The accompanying study on the structure, content and background of the maps is available in three languages ​​(Hungarian, Romanian, English), which is completed by a precisely compiled index. The book also provides an insight into the unique collection of our library.


8.00-19.00 Annamária Csókási Cultures torn apartCultural damage assessment with military technology in Nagorno Karabakh (lecture in Hungarian)

19.00-20.00 Annamária Csókási Cultures torn apart  Cultural damage assessment with military technology in Nagorno Karabakh (lecture in English)

The lecture Cultures torn apart – Cultural damage assessment with military technology in Nagorno Karabakh is about the damaged cultural treasures of Nagrno Karabakh and the difficulty of the restoration programs.  By rolling up the Hungarian and also the Iranian perspective, we get the exact answer on why is this area really a grey zone for the European cultural policy.


Guided tours at the Eötvös Exhibition (Venue: Eötvös Exhibition)

17.00-18.00 The Night of the Pendulum – Guided tour of the Eötvös exhibition

18.00-19.00 The Night of the Pendulum – Guided tour of the Eötvös exhibition

19.00-20.00 The Night of the Pendulum – Guided tour of the Eötvös exhibition

The physicist, Loránd Eötvös (1848–1919) focused on gravitational research from the 1880s, and in the following decades he carried out his experiments on the mutual attraction of bodies and the observation of the force of gravity on earth. Compared to previous similar tools, Eötvös has designed and continuously developed a much more sensitive and precise tool with the help of his colleagues. With Eötvös pendulums manufactured at Nándor Süss's fine mechanics workshop (former predecessor of MOM, Hungarian Optical Works), Loránd Eötvös showed the identity of heavy and helpless masses (one of the foundations of Einstein's general theory of relativity) with unimaginable accuracy and measured the change in the Earth's gravitational field.

He obtained his results on the basis of data gained from field measurements. Eötvös and his team examined areas which seemed interesting from the point of view of changes and anomalies of gravitation originating from the presence of rocks of different density under the surface. In thirty years, 1420 different parts of Europe were measured with the pendulum – from Transylvania to Italy.

One of the early versions of the Eötvös pendulum, the “Paris pendulum” made in 1898, was exhibited in the interactive exhibition The Enchantment of Precision – The Life and Work of Loránd Eötvös. After closing our library, when the street is already quiet, it is worth watching the pendulum during operation. Join us, let's take a look at the sensitive instrument together on Researchers' Night!

More information about the exhibition: eotvoskiallitas.elte.hu

Participation is free, but pre-registration is required. You can register at the e-mail address kiallitas@lib.elte.hu. All visitors are welcome!


Concert (Venue: Hall)

19.00-20.00 Borsos Kata concert

The concert will feature works by H. I. F. Biber's Passacaglia (To the Guardian Angel), G. P. Telemann's Fantasy 1, J. S. Bach's Chaconne in D minor and Sándor Veress's Solo Sonata presented by the violinist Kata Borsos. All visitors are welcome!

In accordance with the valid university epidemiological regulations, the programs of the event can be visited in a mask covering the nose and mouth, with a Certificate of Protection against Coronavirus.


Source/author of illustration:
ELTE EKL, Photo: Géza Kurka

ELTE Botanical Garden is 250 years old

The anniversary exhibition of the Botanical Garden can be visited in the castle building and in the whole area of the garden until the 30th of May 2022.

The botanical garden, originally founded in Trnava, underwent many moves and alterations until it reached its present form. For a short time, at the turn of the 19th century, it was located in the area behind the University Library and the Franciscan Church in Budapest. The area in the Üllői street – originally much larger – has been home to the Eötvös Loránd Botanical Garden since 1847.

The Festetics Castle, currently used as an office building, already stood in the new area, later the facilities necessary for the operation of the Botanical Garden were built next to it, and the iconic Palm House was handed over in 1865.

Visit yourself for a pleasant walk among the beautiful plants and old buildings, learn about the history of the Botanical Garden!

More information: https://www.fuveszkert.org/hirek/fuveszkert-250/

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Free tours in the fall of 2021

In the fall of 2021, the exhibition entitled Under the spell of accuracy – The life and work of Loránd Eötvös awaits visitors with a number of free programs.

„…The world is beautiful, and its beauty is revealed to our eyes in more captivating images, the more we examine it in details…” – Loránd Eötvös expressed his thoughts in his memoir on the life of Ányos Jedlik.

Throughout his life, the world-famous physicist and university professor admired nature, researching the nature of the world. At our exhibition, visitors can get a glimpse of Loránd Eötvös' scientific methods, try out his experimental tools. His stereo photographs show the landscapes seen during his travels and the exciting world of the turn of the century. Discover the polyphony of the world at the Eötvös exhibition!

Registration for our programs: kiallitas@lib.elte.hu

Researchers' Night on September 24, 2021, dates: 17:00, 18:00, 19:00
Dates announced in the framework of the Autumn Festival of Museums: 27 September 2021 - 11 November 2021 on Mondays from 18.00 to 18.30, on Fridays from 16.00 to 16.30

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Oxford University Press Open Access Webinar

Oxford University Press and EISZ have signed an agreement under which articles submitted by ELTE’s corresponding author for the publisher's hybrid journals may be published in Open Access in 2021 without APC.

Regarding this agreement, the publisher is holding a webinar on open access publishing in English. Date: Thursday, September 16, 2021, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM


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Our archives’ register ont he Digital Archives Portal

The online services of the National Archives of Hungary and Budapest City Archives can be accessed through the Digital Archives Portal. The portal also provides a register of church and higher education archives, including our university archves. 

The register is available: https://www.eleveltar.hu/kereses?selectedTab=structure 

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