Adoption of the Dante Codex

One of the most valuable volumes in our library is the richly illustrated, written to parchment Dante Alighieri’s Divina Comoedia (Divine Comedy), that was copied in Venice in the late 1330s and early 1340s. The codex was transported from the Royal Palace of Buda to Turkey, where it spent more than three hundred years in the damp treasury of the Topkapi serai. It returned to Hungary in 1877, according to the decision of the Turkish sultan. Due to its severely damaged condition, the manuscript was restored under the „Corvina program” on the base of a multi-year plan with the development of new procedures.

The work was reseen by the general public at our highly successful Cultural Heritage Days event on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death, with the digital version available in the EDIT repository.

Through the Foundation for the University Library, the codex was adopted by its restorers, Ildikó Beöthyné Kozocsa and Györgyi Szlabey. Thank you for their support!

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New IT Tools

Under the management of the Prime Minister's Office with the support of the National Cooperation Fund, the Bethlen Gábor Fund Management Ltd. and the Foundation for the University Library, IT equipment was purchased in the University Library and Archives of the Eötvös Loránd University from grant funding. Conference microphones with new omnidirectional microphone, highspeed routers with four external and one internal antennas, and a handheld stabilizer ensure at a higher level for both live and analogue events, as well as meetings. Professional technical tools contribute significantly to the quality communications of events and support our continuous service improvements.


Logo - Prime Minister's Office,  National Cooperation Fund, Bethlen Gábor Fund Management Ltd.

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The first „GÓBÉ” aircraft manufactured in Szombathely found a new home

The Szombathely Aviation Club offered the Savaria University Center (SEK) an aircraft made in 1982. The training glider designed by Ernő Rubik was housed in the C-building hall after almost forty years of use. The aircraft brought a valuable piece of Hungary's aviation history to the institution.

Source and more pictures:

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Miklós Kleinhappel

Certification of ELTE EDIT repository

ELTE University Library and Archives initiated the certification process for ELTE Institutional Repository (ELTE EDIT) at Repository Qualification Commission of Hungarian Scientific Bibliography Database (MTMT). As a result, the Commission accepted the institutional archive as a certified repository.

EDIT is an archive for scientific documents – peer reviewed articles, complete issues of journals or books, e-prints, student papers, reports, proceedings – authored at the University. Furthermore, it is the collecting place for items with non-publishing content – education materials, museum documents – created in the institution. There are about 60 000 documents in the holdings of EDIT. About the Institutional Repository, detailed up-to-date information is available on the following webpage.


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New archival publication

The latest volume of our archive contains the data of the students attending higher education institutions located in Eger, the Archbishop’s Seminary and the Archbishop’s Law High School. The publication processes the data of the students in the institutions from 1713 to 1850, however it follows the study career of the students until 1852. At the end of the volume, in addition to the person and place name index, there are several photos of the most interesting source types. 

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Modern storage bags for the photographs of the university history collection

With the support of the National Cultural Fund of Hungary, the Eötvös Loránd University Library and Archives acquired modern storage bags for the photographs of the university history collection.

Ensuring adequate stock protection is the basis for long-term conservation. The transparent iSafe polypropylene pouches allow us to protect our photos not only from dust, but also from fingerprints during research and processing. The FILLA semi-transparent paper bags purchased for larger photos provide storage that meets stock protection considerations and is economical at the same time. 

During the revision of the collection unit in 2021, more than 3 000 pieces of paper photographs were packaged, moreover negatives and postcards will soon be placed in the remaining bags. 

A significant part of the historical photo collection is already available online:  

National Cultural Fund of Hungary

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New shelf – New books

Thanks to the Foundation for the University Library, from September in our rental area a new section of the latest editions is available, under title „New books”. Our readers can find a frequently updated collection of books in Hungarian and other foreign languages, with a wide range of topics in the fields of history, arts, cultural and religious history, philosophy, psychology, linguistics and literary studies.

You can find our book rewievs on Facebook every week.


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MTMT training for members of FOH

MTMT training for members of FOH

MTMT training sessions are organized by ELTE ULA Education and Research Support Department and Library of Faculty of Humanities for the international lecturers, students, PhD candidates of FOH. MTMT beginners’ and advanced training (max. 15 person per courses) is offered free of charge, but registration is required. The language of the trainings is english.


Training sessions:


MTMT 101

Tuesday, Oct. 19,  2021. 10:00-11:30 am

Speaker: Nóra Deák

Location: Reading Room of Central Library (Múzeum körút 6–8., Room 18.)

Use of your own laptop is suggested.



MTMT - advanced

Tuesday, Nov. 09, 2021. 2:00-3:30 pm

Speaker: Nóra Deák

Location: Reading Room of Central Library (Múzeum körút 6–8., Room 18.)

Use of your own laptop is suggested.



Please let us know:

  1. if the time-slot does not work for you, or if you cannot register this time
  2. what topic(s) regarding MTMT you are interested in
  3. if a particular group or class prefers a special training session/topic

Contact us via email


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Great Success of the Researchers' Night

In the frame of the Researchers' Night 2021, we were waiting for the science and research enthusiasts with the presentation of Bartos-Elekes Zsombor's representative publication entitled Mappæ Comitatuum Transylvaniæ, and with interactive guided tours at our Eötvös exhibition. Annamária Csókási's presentation Cultures torn apart – Cultural damage assessment with military technology in Nagorno Karabakh took place in our library, as well as a solo concert by Kata Borsos, featuring works by Biber, Telemann, Bach and Sándor Veress. The video about our book presentation is available here. We welcome all visitors to our library at the Autumn Festival of Museums with colorful programmes.

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