Visit of Israeli delegation

On the 2nd of June 2022, the ELTE University Library and Archives hosted an Israeli delegation from the Libraries and Information System of Bar-Ilan University, in cooperation with the Head of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Pázmány Péter Catholic University.

In line with Eötvös Loránd University's strategic goal of internationalisation, our institution is committed to international exchange, sharing of good practices and continuous service improvement to increase library users' satisfaction.

The series of programmes organised for the Israeli delegation was joined by Polish staff visiting our library in the frame of Erasmus+ Programme. The international exchange included a guided tour of the library, a restoration workshop and book presentation of our relevant museum pieces, a presentation of our library services, databases, EDIT-repository and service developments.  

Members of the Israeli and Polish delegations also gave presentations on their library services, innovative ideas and solutions, as well as on the management of the epidemic situation. The round table discussion also included a joint exchange of views. The institutional partners participating in the programme are also open to probable further cooperation.

Source/author of illustration:

„Behind the scenes” – Guided Tour in the Restoration Workshop

On the Night of Museums we open our restoration workshop to get an insight into the work of restorers.

Behind the scenes you can learn about preserving our valuable documents and experience how a sewing frame can be used in bookbinding. All visitors are welcome! For more information, please visit our website or the Night of Museums’ homepage. You have also the opportunity to support the University Library and Archives through our Adopt a Book program!


Guided Tour in the Restoration Workshop:

University Library and Archives, Eötvös Loránd University

1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 6.


25/06/2022, Saturday – 19:30–20:00

25/06/2022, Saturday – 20:30–21:00

25/06/2022, Saturday – 21:30–22:00

25/06/2022, Saturday – 22:30–23:00

25/06/2022, Saturday – 23:30–24:00


Source/author of illustration:

Guided tours in the Library with presentation of museum pieces

On the Nigth of Museums our guided tours focus on the history of the University Library and Archives, Eötvös Loránd University. The library palace was designed by Antal Szkalnitzky. Up-to-date technology of the time was used for ventilation, heating and illumination.

The tour will take you through the entrance hall decorated with sgraffiti to the reading room with figures on its ceiling which symbolise sciences and arts. Besides the magnificent art and architecture of the Reading Hall of the University Library and Archives, you can also see an oil-painting of the middle-aged Franz Joseph I. by Mór Than. Our librarians will tell you the secrets, and show you the hidden nooks and crannies of the library.

Join our library tour! More details about our programmes are available here and on the Night of Museums’ homepage.


Guided tours:

University Library and Archives, Eötvös Loránd University

1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 6.


25/06/2022, Saturday – 19:00–19:30

25/06/2022, Saturday – 20:00–20:30

25/06/2022, Saturday – 21:00–21:30

25/06/2022, Saturday – 22:00–22:30

25/06/2022, Saturday – 23:00–23:30

Source/author of illustration:

How Open Research Benefits Social Science and Humanities

EISZ and Taylor & Francis will host an online webinar for researchers working in the field of social sciences and humanities on June 13th. The aim of the 60-minute lecture is to demonstrate the benefits of open research and publishing in the field of humanities and social sciences.

Date: Monday, the 13th of June, 11 am CEST

Presenter: Katherine Burton, Humanities Portfolio Development Specialist, Taylor & Francis Group


  • Overview of Open Research
  • Introducing an Open Research model
  • Data Sharing for Social Science and Humanities
  • Increasing Credit and Transparency
  • Q&A



Source/author of illustration:

Library Café

The Library Café on the 26th of May 2022 was a success. In the Boardroom of the ELTE University Library and Archives, staff members from Romania, Italy and Croatia visiting our library during the Erasmus+ Programme gave a presentation in English about their library and their work to the librarians of the Eötvös Loránd University Library Service. 

Besides the international exchange of experiences and knowledge sharing, it was an opportunity to discuss good practices and possible future ideas and solutions to increase library users' satisfaction and continuous service improvement. In line with ELTE's strategic goal of internationalisation, the participants are also open to probable further cooperation between the institutions.

Source/author of illustration:

The training room of the University Library has been renewed

In our training room, which was opened in 2016, we replaced the desktops with modern laptops and increased the number of workstations, with ten students and one teaching notebook available. 

Our classroom is primarily a platform for dissemination, teaching and scientific research, occasionally also serves as a venue for scientific conferences and commemorations.

An interactive whiteboard, inaugurated last year, is used for events and teaching.  

Source/author of illustration:

Who were the students of our university between 1635 and 1777? – Book presentation in the University Library and Archives

On the 13th of May 2022, two new publications of the University History Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Primate Archives were presented in the Reading Hall of the University Library. Both volumes deal with the lists of the students of the higher education institutions operating in Nagyszombat (Trnava). The first book, which contains the lists of students of the early period of our university, was presented by István Fazekas, head of the University History Research Group. He emphasized that the volume may have been published by accident, as for a long time we had only fragmentary information about the students of the early years of the university, as the relevant registers were burned in the National Archives in 1956. In 2006, during the relocation of the Primate’s Archives, censuses were found containing the lists of students of the seminars at the University of Nagyszombat (Trnava). Thanks to these registers, the list of humanities and theology students who visited our university between 1635 and 1777 is almost complete. The volume contains the names of 9567 students, of whom 2598 graduated from both faculties, 2720 studied only theology, 4192 studied humanities only.

The university moved to Buda in 1777, but theological education continued in Trnava until 1850. The list of students of the priest training institute operating here is contained in the second book presented by Krisztina Tóth, head of archives.

The authors of the volume, Adrien Kmety, Júlia Varga and László Szögi, as well as the director of the Primate Archives, András Hegedűs, also gave a short presentation at the event. The volumes could be purchased at a discounted price at the event.

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE University Library and Archives

Trial Access to Elsevier’s textbooks

Elsevier has made 287 textbooks available in trial access via ScienceDirect platform. Volumes will be accessible until 31 July 2022, connected to ELTE's Internet network, either directly or with remote access services (VPN, Stunnel).


  • Engineering and Computing (88 textbooks)
  • Life and Biological Sciences (78 textbooks)
  • Medical Sciences (54 textbooks)
  • Physical Sciences (54 textbooks)
  • Social Sciences (17 textbooks)


Terms and conditions



Package Name ISBN Book Title Year Shortcut URL
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-08-096632-8 Aerodynamics for Engineering Students (Sixth Edition) 2013 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-08-100194-3 Aerodynamics for Engineering Students (Seventh Edition) 2015 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-08-096905-3 Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students (Fifth Edition) 2012 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-08-100914-7 Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students (Sixth Edition) 2017 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-822868-5 Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students (Seventh Edition) 2021 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-817756-3 Analyzing Social Media Networks with NodeXL (Second Edition) 2020 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-415950-1 The Art of Multiprocessor Programming (Second Edition) 2020 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-370638-6 The Art and Science of Digital Compositing (Second Edition) 2008 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-1-55860-467-4 Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis 1998 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-816444-0 Biomedical Engineering Design 2022 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-220851-5 Bioprocess Engineering Principles (Second Edition) 2013 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-08-100275-9 Civil Engineering Materials 2016 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-206382-4 Computability, Complexity, and Languages (Second Edition) 1994 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-385059-1 Computer Networks (Fifth Edition) 2011 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-415040-9 Computerization and Controversy (Second Edition) 1996 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-388436-7 Computers as Components (Third Edition) 2012 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-805387-4 Computers as Components (Fourth Edition) 2017 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-381549-1 Contemporary Security Management (Third Edition) 2011 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-811474-2 Continuum Mechanics Modeling of Material Behavior 2019 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-815758-9 Creating Precision Robots 2019 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-804291-5 Data Mining (Fourth Edition) 2017 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-312340-4 Design Hydrology and Sedimentology for Small Catchments 1994 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-800056-4 Digital Design and Computer Architecture 2016 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-820064-3 Digital Design and Computer Architecture 2021 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-394424-5 Digital Design and Computer Architecture (Second Edition) 2013 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-804547-3 Digital Signal Processing 2017 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-815071-9 Digital Signal Processing (Third Edition) 2019 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-138553-8 Electrons in Solids (Third Edition) 1992 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-088478-0 Engineering a Compiler (Second Edition) 2011 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-08-096665-6 Engineering Materials 1 (Fourth Edition) 2012 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-08-102051-7 Engineering Materials 1 (Fifth Edition) 2019 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-08-096668-7 Engineering Materials 2 (Fourth Edition) 2013 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-08-102997-8 Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists (Seventh Edition) 2020 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-415891-7 Exploring Engineering (Third Edition) 2013 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-815073-3 Exploring Engineering (Fifth Edition) 2020 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-1-85617-661-3 The Finite Element Method in Engineering (Fifth Edition) 2011 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-811768-2 The Finite Element Method in Engineering (Sixth Edition) 2018 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-382100-3 Fluid Mechanics (Fifth Edition) 2012 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-405935-1 Fluid Mechanics (Sixth Edition) 2016 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-1-85617-793-1 Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery (Sixth Edition) 2010 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-415954-9 Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery (Seventh Edition) 2014 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-438380-7 Fundamentals of Spatial Information Systems 1992 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-1-55860-547-3 Fundamentals of the Theory of Computation: Principles and Practice 1998 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-1-55860-574-9 High-Performance Communication Networks (Second Edition) 2000 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-08-100613-9 Instrumentation and Control Systems (Second Edition) 2015 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-1-85617-932-4 Introduction to Aircraft Structural Analysis 2010 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-08-102076-0 Introduction to Aircraft Structural Analysis (Third Edition) 2018 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-238662-6 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (Second Edition) 2005 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-374979-6 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (Third Edition) 2012 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-809474-7 Introduction to Data Compression (Fifth Edition) 2018 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-1-59749-969-9 Introduction to Information Security 2014 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-374260-5 An Introduction to Parallel Programming 2011 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-804605-0 An Introduction to Parallel Programming (Second Edition) 2021 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-1-85617-663-7 Materials Selection in Mechanical Design (Fourth Edition) 2011 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-391490-3 Modern Embedded Computing 2012 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-374996-3 Modern Engineering Thermodynamics 2011 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-814710-8 Navigating the Maze 2020 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-812881-7 Nuclear Energy (Eighth Edition) 2020 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-08-100962-8 Nuclear Engineering 2018 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-812256-3 Numerical Methods (Fourth Edition) 2019 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-849894-1 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 2016 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-374778-5 Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students (Second Edition) 2010 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-08-097747-8 Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students (Third Edition) 2014 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-824025-0 Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students (Fourth Edition) 2021 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-849890-3 Parallel Programming 2018 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-809381-8 The Physics of Computing 2017 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-384954-0 Physics of Condensed Matter 2011 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-7506-6826-2 PIC in Practice (Second Edition) 2006 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-374514-9 Programming Language Pragmatics (Third Edition) 2009 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-415992-1 Programming Massively Parallel Processors (Second Edition) 2013 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-811986-0 Programming Massively Parallel Processors (Third Edition) 2017 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-819549-9 Python Programming and Numerical Methods 2020 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-382163-8 Quantitative Human Physiology 2012 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-800883-6 Quantitative Human Physiology (Second Edition) 2017 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-387846-5 Security and Loss Prevention (Sixth Edition) 2013 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-384982-3 Signals and Systems for Bioengineers (Second Edition) 2012 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-374716-7 Signals and Systems using MATLAB 2011 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-394812-0 Signals and Systems using MATLAB (Second Edition) 2015 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-814204-2 Signals and Systems Using MATLAB (Third Edition) 2019 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-240-81128-4 System Dynamics for Engineering Students 2010 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-804559-6 System Dynamics for Engineering Students (Second Edition) 2018 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-385038-6 Thermodynamic Tables to Accompany Modern Engineering Thermodynamics 2011 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-385241-0 The UX Book 2012 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Engineering and Computing 978-0-12-805342-3 The UX Book (Second Edition) 2018 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-372581-3 Animal Behavior 2012 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-801532-2 Animal Behavior (Second Edition) 2015 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-819558-1 Animal Behavior (Third Edition) 2021 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-059485-6 Applied Groundwater Modeling 1991 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-373975-9 Basic Medical Endocrinology (Fourth Edition) 2009 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-374947-5 Basic Neurochemistry (Eighth Edition) 2012 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-385015-7 Biotechnology (Second Edition) 2015 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-323-34126-4 Cell Biology (Third Edition) 2017 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-809395-5 Circuits, Signals and Systems for Bioengineers (Third Edition) 2018 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-374182-0 Climate Change Biology 2010 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-420218-4 Climate Change Biology (Second Edition) 2015 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-08-102975-6 Climate Change Biology (Third Edition) 2021 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-7020-4084-9 Clinical Pharmacology (Eleventh Edition) 2012 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-375070-9 Cognition, Brain, and Consciousness (Second Edition) 2010 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-391882-6 Culinary Nutrition 2014 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-08-092320-8 Development of the Nervous System (Third Edition) 2012 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-803996-0 Development of the Nervous System (Fourth Edition) 2019 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-800227-8 Disaster Theory 2016 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-375060-0 The Dissection of Vertebrates (Second Edition) 2011 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-410460-0 The Dissection of Vertebrates (Third Edition) 2019 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-323-04318-2 Elsevier's Integrated Physiology 2007 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-323-07446-9 Elsevier's Integrated Review Biochemistry (Second Edition) 2012 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-323-07448-3 Elsevier's Integrated Review Genetics (Second Edition) 2012 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-323-07447-6 Elsevier's Integrated Review Immunology and Microbiology (Second Edition) 2012 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-323-07445-2 Elsevier's Integrated Review Pharmacology (Second Edition) 2012 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-266542-4 Environmental Ecology (Second Edition) 1994 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-370519-8 Environmental Microbiology (Second Edition) 2009 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-394626-3 Environmental Microbiology (Third Edition) 2015 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-656446-4 Environmental Soil Chemistry (Second Edition) 2003 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-800947-5 Essential Human Virology 2017 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-095461-2 Essentials of Medical Biochemistry 2011 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-416687-5 Essentials of Medical Biochemistry (Second Edition) 2015 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-374724-2 Freshwater Ecology (Second Edition) 2010 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-813255-5 Freshwater Ecology (Third Edition) 2017 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-385870-2 Fundamental Neuroscience (Fourth Edition) 2014 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-415805-4 Fundamentals of Cognitive Neuroscience 2013 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-803813-0 Fundamentals of Cognitive Neuroscience (Second Edition) 2019 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-328531-7 Global Physical Climatology (Second Edition) 2016 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-815844-9 Goodman's Basic Medical Endocrinology (Fifth Edition) 2021 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-817927-7 Goodman's Medical Cell Biology (Fourth Edition) 2020 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-374346-6 Herpetology (Third Edition) 2009 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-386919-7 Herpetology (Fourth Edition) 2013 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-383864-3 Human Biochemistry 2018 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-1-4557-2794-0 Human Embryology and Developmental Biology (Fifth Edition) 2014 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-374134-9 Human Osteology (Third Edition) 2011 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-415915-0 Human Parasitology (Fourth Edition) 2012 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-088465-0 Human Reproductive Biology (Third Edition) 2006 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-382184-3 Human Reproductive Biology (Fourth Edition) 2014 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-437651-9 Introduction to Floriculture (Second Edition) 1992 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-386901-2 Introduction to Forestry and Natural Resources 2014 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-819002-9 Introduction to Forestry and Natural Resources (Second Edition) 2021 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-045591-1 An Introduction to Human Evolutionary Anatomy 1990 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-744760-5 Limnology (Third Edition) 2001 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-370458-0 Medical Cell Biology (Third Edition) 2007 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-7020-4089-4 Medical Microbiology (Eighteenth Edition) 2012 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-378594-7 Molecular Biology (Second Edition) 2013 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-813288-3 Molecular Biology (Third Edition) 2019 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-397044-2 Molecular Microbiology Laboratory (Second Edition) 2013 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-374419-7 Molecular Pathology 2009 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-800838-6 Molecular Virology of Human Pathogenic Viruses 2017 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-262430-8 Plant Growth and Development: A Molecular Approach 1994 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-044565-3 Plant Pathology (Fifth Edition) 2005 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-374380-0 Plant Systematics (Second Edition) 2010 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-812628-8 Plant Systematics (Third Edition) 2020 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-378632-6 Primate Adaptation and Evolution (Third Edition) 2013 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-385245-8 Primer to the Immune Response (Second Edition) 2014 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-384939-7 Principles of Molecular Virology (Fifth Edition) 2011 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-801946-7 Principles of Molecular Virology (Sixth Edition) 2016 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-348536-6 Soil in the Environment 2008 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-415797-2 Soil and Environmental Chemistry 2012 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-804178-9 Soil and Environmental Chemistry (Second Edition) 2017 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-546807-7 Soil Microbiology, Ecology and Biochemistry (Third Edition) 2007 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-415955-6 Soil Microbiology, Ecology and Biochemistry (Fourth Edition) 2015 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-391909-0 Textbook of Veterinary Physiological Chemistry (Third Edition) 2015 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-804445-2 Understanding Food Systems 2017 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-394815-1 Vertebrate Endocrinology (Fifth Edition) 2013 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-820093-3 Vertebrate Endocrinology (Sixth Edition) 2020 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Life and Biological Sciences 978-0-12-373741-0 Viruses and Human Disease (Second Edition) 2008 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-1-4377-0310-8 Applied Pharmacology 2011 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-443-10281-3 Basic Science in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Fourth Edition) 2010 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-443-10081-9 Churchill's Pocketbook of Diabetes (Second Edition) 2012 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-7020-5140-1 Clinical Biochemistry: Metabolic and Clinical Aspects (Third Edition) 2014 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-443-10321-6 Clinical Neuroscience 2014 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-7020-3137-3 Companion to Psychiatric Studies (Eighth Edition) 2010 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-7020-3397-1 Core Psychiatry (Third Edition) 2011 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-12-802764-6 Crime Scene Photography (Third Edition) 2017 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-12-385243-4 Criminal Profiling (Fourth Edition) 2012 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-12-382024-2 Death Penalty Cases (Third Edition) 2011 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-7506-8352-4 Design and Evaluation of Physical Protection Systems (Second Edition) 2008 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-7020-3367-4 The Digestive System (Second Edition) 2010 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-7020-4299-7 Drug Discovery and Development (Second Edition) 2012 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-1-4160-3142-0 Easy Interpretation of Biostatistics 2008 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-323-04328-1 Elsevier's Integrated Pathology 2007 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-7020-3225-7 Embryology (Second Edition) 2009 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-7020-3372-8 The Endocrine System (Second Edition) 2010 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-323-48420-6 Equine Surgery (Fifth Edition) 2019 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-12-374418-0 Essential Concepts in Molecular Pathology 2010 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-12-813257-9 Essential Concepts in Molecular Pathology (Second Edition) 2020 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-12-803641-9 Essentials of Medicolegal Death Investigation 2017 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-7020-2844-1 Farr's Physics for Medical Imaging (Second Edition) 2008 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-12-799967-8 Forensic Toxicology 2016 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-12-374999-4 Fundamentals of Forensic DNA Typing 2010 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-12-374989-5 Fundamentals of Forensic Science (Second Edition) 2010 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-12-800037-3 Fundamentals of Forensic Science (Third Edition) 2015 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-323-03952-9 Handbook of Clinical Nutrition (Fourth Edition) 2006 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-12-804465-0 Homeland Security (Second Edition) 2018 Link
eBook - Educational Textbooks: Medical Sciences 978-0-443-10373-5 Human Anatomy 2008 Link
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